some random thoughts
- ok people, i know the last post i posted was 1 month ago. haha time flies...1 month has passed...cobwebs must be all over my blog by now...but seriously there ain't much interesting things to blog when you work everyday... i'm really impressed by those hard-core bloggers that blog everyday!! no offence to people out there but their blogs are really really so detailed!! down to the little-nitty details like what they do, eat, wear, time blar blar blar...oh man do they really document all the details down? it's like somekinda daily schedule/journal of their every-day details.
- when you start to work, you'll learn more things. open up your eyes to office politicis...well well well, shall not say much but politics are everywhere...parties bombing one another...gosh take shelter yeah!!
- watch bourne ultimanium with mroke and grace on saturday...looks like most of my saturday are gonna be in fernvale, lying on the comfy bed watching the square box with 11 (or 12??) man chasing after 1 round thing...bleahz* EPL is here so im sure most/all boyfriends are confirned at home staring till their eyes pop out! -_-" i still don't undertstand the wonders of soccer. well, guess guys will also not understand the wonders and joy of retail therapy for us ladies. so lets not try too hard to crack our brains and understand each other joys. haha
shalalalala' 3:56 PM